If you need ideas on planning for a bachelorette night, then read on.
As the maid of honor for Bin’s wedding last year December, part of the “duty” was to organize a hen night party for her prior to the wedding. It took some time to do research on the games and got all the girls together but the turn out was worth every effort.
Facebook Event comes really handy. It saves you time from the tedious calls down to confirm their attendance or to inform people for any changes made to the event. It really saved me from a lot of headaches.
I even created a simple banner! :)
It’s always good to have a theme so that everyone’s attire can be in synch, it would also look nicer in the photos.
Hen’s Costume
Unlike overseas, party shops are very limited in Malaysia and it usually cost a bomb (coz they are imported), so after discussing with the girls we’ve decided to handmade the hen’s veil. I got the fluffy hairband from one of the teen shops in One Utama and Jacque got the veil from some fabric shops in Ipoh and we stitched it together. Ha! If you are wondering what’s the two horns sticking out – it is what you think. ;) Preparation was grossed though! lol
Phallic Food – I don’t think it was intentional but we all had a good laugh when this dish was served. Foot Long Sausages!
Pork Knuckle – I’m not a mega porkie fan but I have to say this is actually very good.
Little Piglet – this is the signature dish at El Cerdo, like a “must have” for anyone who dines there. I didn’t have the heart to touch it but the feedback from the rest was very positive.
Okay so here’s the first game to warm up the night. It’s called “Lick Me” where the hen has to slowly lick off the cream spread on her sister’s hand. May seem like an easy task, you’d think? The hen blushed big time!
Oh before I forget, we actually got a private room at El Cerdo restaurant thus made the party more private for us during game playing.
Game 2: The Dangling Grapes
The task was for the hen to go round the restaurant and asked each diner (male of course) to bite one grape off her chest (no hands are allowed). It’s a very light and fun game when you have a group of sporting crowd. And I have to say that the Restaurant’s owner, Stephan was very sporting and accommodating to all our requests.
It’s good to reward the hen with a little pressies as memorabilia for her in years to come. I’ve informed the group to bring along a present that doesn’t have to be expensive, just be “creative" and be "thoughtful". It could be something either cheeky or sentimental which relates their friendships with her. I’ve also reminded them not to write their name down coz the hen would have to guess whose present was it from and each wrong guess would cost her a drink. :)
I got her 5 variety panties wrapped separately. Each one signifies a different phase in her marriage such as wedding night(sexy sexy), 10 years later(trying effort to be sexy), 30 years later(can’t be bothered phase) and 50 years later(granny panties!). I know I was evil. haha!
But of course there were more thoughtful gifts like YW gave her an apron set coz that’s how he has envisioned her to be once she entered marriage life. Very useful indeed! There were other naughtier gifts as well but I won’t elaborate here.
Somebody bought a cake and tequila shots for everyone.
Another game was called “How Well Do You Know Your Husband”. I’ve listed out about 30 questions and got all the answers from her husband before hand. When she answered each question incorrectly, she would have to drink as little did she know what was planned for her after that. 
As you can see the games described were generally light and fun. No strippers, nothing dodgy or the sort and with just the right amount of alcohol to get everyone in merriment. That is before we all headed to Quattro for the real party!
Obligatory group picture before we adjourned to the club for more games and more booze.
- Stay tuned for Part II -
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