Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Putrajaya Night Marathon

I survived the run yay! The run was alright but I'm currently down with fever urgh better not fall sick with CNY coming! Positive chi… Anyway, these pictures were taken with my Samsung i780… I miss my Blackberry which is still in the workshop. :(


Putrajaya at night

Check out the mosque in the background… looks like a space craft  from a distance


Beng Loon and I before the race

It wasn’t the best run I’ve had, I have to admit. For those who followed my tweet probably know I wanted to give up at the 4th km. I was so dehydrated and has lost the motivation to continue. The last 3km was a struggle… by the time I finished I was so thirsty I almost robbed a box of mineral water!


Lessons learnt:
  1. long distance without training is totally not recommended unless you have strong stamina (I haven’t trained for 5 weeks!)
  2. mind focus is very important
  3. running in the morning is better than at night because your body is preparing to shutdown during this time instead of picking up something strenuous
  4. will strength is more powerful than physical
  5. must check and reorganize playlist before the run
  6. must learn how to say no next time when you are not fit and well enough to run 


  1. get well soon! =)
    recover soon ...

    good to know you completed the run, wooo!
    i think i like running at night, though. it's hotter in the day, no?

  2. hmm..maybe i should join u for short marathon next time.

  3. nah.
    i won't be around that weekend. ;)

    my next "run" will most likely only be in July.
